Top 10 SQL Server Always On Interview Questions

Top 10 SQL Server Always On Interview Questions


Top 10 SQL Server Always On Interview Questions

There are total 93 questions are answered under SQL Server Always On category in the book “SQL THE ONE”. In this chapter we can see questions and answers on SQL Server Always On and scenarios. Below are the Top 10 SQL Server Always On Interview Questions:

1. What are the ALWAYSON improvements added in SQL Server 2014 and 2016?

2. How many read-write and read only databases replica can be configure in SQL Server 2012 and 2014?

3. What is the Difference between Asynchronous-commit mode and Synchronous commit mode?

4. How much network bandwidth is required for a successful Always On AG setup?

5. What’s the difference between Always On AGs in SQL 2012 and SQL 2014?

6. We have got an alert “Availability group is offline.” Can you explain about this warning and your action plan?

7. In your environment data inserted on Primary replica but not able to see that on secondary replica. When you check that Availability is in healthy state and in most cases data reflects in a few minutes but in this case it’s didn’t happen. Now you need to check for the bottleneck and fix the issue. Can you explain your views and workaround in this situation?

8. Let’s say you have configured Automatic failover on SQL Server 2012 ALWAYSON environment. An automatic failover triggered but unsuccessful in making secondary replica as PRIMARY. How do you identify that failover is not successful and what are the possible reasons that causes an unsuccessful failover?

9. Let’s say we have a premium production server and it is in ALWAYSON Availability Group. You observe that CPU utilization is hitting top at a specific time in a day. You did an RCA and found that CPU utilization reaches top and most CPU is from backup process due to backup compression is on. Now what do you suggest? Do we have any features for backup?

10. Can you explain any difficult issue you have faced recently on High Availability Groups?


These Top 10 SQL Server Always On Interview Questions are the sample questions randomly collected from the book “SQL THE ONE”.

Please share your feedback and comments on below comments section or reach me on We wish you all the best for the next interview.

Here you can find more Details about the book “SQL THE ONE”.

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[…] Chapter – 9: SQL Server ALWAYSON […]

veera kiran
7 years ago

please provide the answers for above questions