Top 10 SQL Server Database Mirroring Interview Questions

Top 10 SQL Server Database Mirroring Interview Questions


Top 10 SQL Server Database Mirroring Interview Questions

There are total 43 questions are answered under SQL Server Database Mirroring category in the book “SQL THE ONE”. In this chapter we can see questions and answers on Database Mirroring and scenarios. Below are the Top 10 SQL Server Database Mirroring Interview Questions:

1. What are the added improvements for database mirroring in SQL Server 2016?

2. What is transaction safety in database mirroring?

3. In database mirroring what are the events happens when an automatic failover occurred?

4. In your production environment mirroring is configured for one of the premium database and you are asked to cross check the configuration. Can you elaborate what are all the options you would check for?

5. Can we be able to automate the Database Mirroring monitor process? If yes can you explain in simple steps?

6. We have recently upgraded to SQL Server 2016 and we would like to configure database mirroring for one of our production database. As a lead DBA what is your suggestion on this?

7. Can we configure mirroring when principal and mirror databases are in different domains?

8. When the network connection fails for 3 hours between principal and mirror database, also we have been performing log backups on principal server. When we perform log backups on principal server this truncates the log then how can it be synchronize with the mirror database once the network connect is re-established?

9. What happens if we lose Mirror / Witness or both?

10. We have configured Database Mirroring with automatic fail over mode. When an auto fail over happens from principal to mirror what about the applications which are connecting to the principal server? Does it possible to implement the automation that allows application to connect mirror server if the given principal server doesn’t respond? If yes how it is possible?


These Top 10 SQL Server Database Mirroring Interview Questions are the sample questions randomly collected from the book “SQL THE ONE”.

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Here you can find more Details about the book “SQL THE ONE”.

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6 years ago


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