Search for an Object in SQL Server
This article helps you in understanding how to Search for an object in SQL Server using T-SQL script. When we need to search for an object inside a database we can do that using sys.objects but when it comes to cross database search that needs a solution. There are different ways to search for an object in SQL Server:
- T-SQL Script: A native T-SQL script.
- Object Explorer Search: User required proper permissions to use this
- Red Gate SQL Search: It’s not always possible installing freeware on enterprise environments
- SSMS Tools Pack Add-in: An extra tool has to be added to SSMS
Why Instance level object search is required?
There are few cases where we search for objects across the instance.
- Cleanup: This is the common task that every DBA / Developer performs. We usually create backups for tables for temporary basis while performing a critical update or working on a change requests. But we forget to cleanup / remove those objects.
- Critical times: When there is an incident happened and you are working on resolution someone asked you details of an object path.
- Developer / DBA are new to environment: When you are new to the environment and you wanted to quickly know the object path.
Search for an object in SQL Server using T-SQL:
Now we are going to create a stored procedure that helps us to search for an object name in SQL Server instance level. Remember the same script you can remove procedure and use as a T-SQL batch script.
/***********************************************************************/ --ProcName: usp_ObjectSeek --Description: To search for an object in SQL Server instance level --@ObjName: Name of the object to be searched --@SearchType: Search Criteria; Default to equal -- equal: Entire object name should be macthed -- start: Object Name should starts with this name -- end: Object Name should end with this name -- contain: Object name should conatin this name /***********************************************************************/ CREATE PROCEDURE usp_ObjectSeek (@objName VARCHAR(200),@SearchType VARCHAR(20) = 'equal') AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Declare sql to hold dynamic query DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(4000); --Declare a table variable to hold the resultset DECLARE @ObjSeek TABLE (ID TINYINT IDENTITY, DBName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, Obj_Name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, Obj_Type VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL); -- Change the search predicate based on the input SELECT @SearchType = LOWER(@SearchType) SELECT @objName =CASE WHEN @SearchType = 'contain' then '%'+@objName+'%' WHEN @SearchType = 'start' then @objName+'%' WHEN @SearchType = 'end' then '%'+@objName WHEN @SearchType = 'equal' then @objName END; -- Create a dynamic query to seek for the given object -- "?" indicates the db name SET @SQL = 'SELECT ''?'' as DBName, Name as Obj_Name, type_desc as Obj_Type FROM [?].sys.objects WHERE name like'''+@ObjName+''''; -- Search all databases in the current instance -- Insert details into ObjSeek table Variable INSERT INTO @ObjSeek (DBName,Obj_Name,Obj_Type) EXEC sp_msforeachdb @SQL; -- Get the actual result set SELECT * FROM @ObjSeek; SET NOCOUNT OFF; END
Now we will see how to execute this procedure to search for an object for different scenarios:
-- Retrive all objects named as "test" from all databases EXECUTE usp_ObjectSeek 'test','equal' -- Retrive all objects where name ends with "_bkp" from all databases EXECUTE usp_ObjectSeek '_bkp','end' -- Retrive all objects where name starts with "dump_" from all databases EXECUTE usp_ObjectSeek 'dump_','start' -- Retrive all objects where name contains the word "temp" from all databases EXECUTE usp_ObjectSeek 'temp','contain'
Q. Is this a case sensitive search?
No! Object name is not case sensitive.
Q. Does this procedure require any special permission?
No! User with read access on database can search the database for the given object.
Ex: A SQL Server Instance is having 12 databases.
User1 is having read access on 7 databases and no access on remaining 5 databases.
When he runs this procedure it searches only 7 databases.
Superb Article!!
Thank you so much Jyoti.
Happy Reading
The Team SQL
very informative article . resolve my problem
The Team SQL