How to split a string in sql server
We have a requirement to capture the list of key words in the given list of statements. In the below example will see How to split a string in sql server
There is a table called “SearchQueries”. It’s been having a list of queries, now the requirement is to split each and every statement into individual words and needs to be stored in a table “KeyWords”.
Now the requirement is to split and store keywords from each record as below along with the number of occurrences.
KeyWord Count
Describe 12
Change 2
Data 10
Capture 1
Script to create table and populate with data:
USE udayarumilli; GO CREATE TABLE SearchQueries(ID INT IDENTITY,Query NVARCHAR(MAX)); GO INSERT INTO SearchQueries(Query) SELECT'How to design 2012 SSRS reports using SQL Server Data Tools' UNION SELECT'What are the new features added in SSRS 2012' UNION SELECT'Describe Change Data Capture for SSIS in SQL Server 2012' UNION SELECT'What are the new features added in SSIS 2012' UNION SELECT'SSIS 2012 Support for Variable Number of Columns in a Flat File' UNION SELECT'SSIS Package Format Changed and the Specs are Open Source New in SSIS 2012' UNION SELECT'What are the new features added in SSAS 2012'; GO
Create a table to hold the keywords:
Now create a stored procedure to split the given statement into individual words.
IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM SYS.SYSOBJECTS WHERE TYPE='P'AND NAME='usp_split_string') BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE usp_split_string; END GO CREATE PROCEDURE usp_split_string(@Txt NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @temp TABLE (KeyWord NVARCHAR(250)); DECLARE @data NVARCHAR(MAX), @delimiter NVARCHAR(10), @pos INT, @start INT, @len INT, @end INT; SELECT @data = @Txt, @delimiter=' ', @len=LEN('.'+@delimiter+'.')- 2, @end=LEN(@data)+ 1, @start=1, @pos=0; WHILE (@pos < @end) BEGIN SET @pos = CHARINDEX(@delimiter,@data,@start); IF (@pos= 0) SET @pos=@end; INSERT @temp (KeyWord) SELECT SUBSTRING(@data,@start,@pos-@start); SET @start=@pos+@len; END INSERT INTO KeyWords(word) SELECT KeyWord FROM @temp; END
The stored procedure splits the statement into individual words. For example if we input a statement “SQL Server 2012” to the stored procedure it splits the statement into words an stored into table “KeyWords”.
Using the same logic we will apply the logic to existing table “SearchQueries” and prepare a list of keywords from the table.
BEGIN DECLARE @Max INT, @i INT, @STMT VARCHAR(100), @Category VARCHAR(200); TRUNCATE TABLE KeyWords; SELECT @max = MAX(ID) FROM SearchQueries; SET @i= 1; WHILE(@i <= @Max) BEGIN SELECT @stmt = Query FROM SearchQueries WHERE ID = @i; EXEC usp_split_string @stmt; SET @i = @i + 1; END END
Execute the above script to accomplish the task.
Check the table for the list of keywords.
Finally capture the keywords and corresponding counts.
SELECT Word, Count(1)AS'Total_Count' FROM KeyWords GROUP BY Word ORDER BY Total_Count DESC;