Export to Excel from SQL Server using T-SQL script
This post helps in understanding Export to Excel from SQL Server using T-SQL Script. Typically to export data from sql server to excel we can user varius options :
- Import / Export Wizard
Below stored procedure will make the task easier. It provides more flexibility to Export to Excel from SQL Server using T-SQL script. .
USE MASTER /*** Make sure that the below are enabled on your server ***/ -- Ad Hoc Remote Quires -- XP_CMDSHELL ***/ /****** Object:StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_ExportData_Excel] Script Date: 10/05/2009 08:39:47 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /*** Execution Example EXEC [usp_ExportData_Excel] @dbName = 'Master', @sql = 'select * from master.sys.sysdatabases', @fullFileName = 'D:\Table_Details.xls' , @InstanceName ='', @User = '', @pwd = '' ***/ CREATE PROC [dbo].[usp_ExportData_Excel] ( @dbName VARCHAR(100)='master', @sql VARCHAR(8000)='select * from master.sys.sysdatabases', @fullFileName VARCHAR(100) = 'D:\Table_Details.xls', @InstanceName VARCHAR(100) = '', @User VARCHAR(20) = '', @Pwd VARCHAR(20) = '' ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON IF @sql =''or @fullFileName ='' BEGIN SELECT 0 AS ReturnValue -- failure RETURN END -- if DB isn't passed in set it to master SELECT @dbName ='use '+ @dbName +';' IF object_id('##TempExportData') is not null DROP TABLE ##TempExportData IF object_id('##TempExportData2') is not null DROP TABLE ##TempExportData2 -- insert data into a global temp table DECLARE @columnNames VARCHAR(8000), @columnConvert VARCHAR(8000), @tempSQL VARCHAR(8000) SELECT @tempSQL = left(@sql, charindex('from', @sql)-1) + ' into ##TempExportData '+ substring(@sql,charindex('from', @sql)-1,len(@sql)) EXEC(@dbName + @tempSQL) IF @@error > 0 BEGIN SELECT 0 AS ReturnValue -- failure RETURN END -- build 2 lists -- 1. column names -- 2. columns converted to nvarchar SELECT @columnNames =COALESCE( @columnNames +',','')+ column_name, @columnConvert =COALESCE( @columnConvert +',','')+'convert(nvarchar(4000),' + column_name + case when data_type in('datetime','smalldatetime')then',121' WHEN data_type in('numeric','decimal')then',128' WHEN data_type in('float','real','money','smallmoney')then',2' WHEN data_type in('datetime','smalldatetime')then',120' ELSE '' END + ') as ' + column_name FROM tempdb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE table_name ='##TempExportData' -- execute select query to insert data and column names into new temp table SELECT @sql = 'select ' + @columnNames + ' into ##TempExportData2 from (select ' + @columnConvert + ', ''2'' as [temp##SortID] from ##TempExportData union all select ''' + replace(@columnNames, ',', ''', ''') + ''', ''1'') t order by [temp##SortID]' exec (@sql) -- BUILD FULL BCP QUERY DECLARE @bcpCommand VARCHAR(8000) SET @bcpCommand ='bcp " SELECT * from ##TempExportData2" queryout' SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand +' '+@fullFileName+' -S'+ @InstanceName+' -c -w -T -U '+@User+' -P '+@pwd+'","-CRAW' EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand IF @@ERROR > 0 BEGIN SELECT 0 AS ReturnValue -- failure RETURN END DROP TABLE ##TempExportData DROP TABLE ##TempExportData2 SET @columnNames =' ' SET @columnConvert =' ' SET @tempSQL =' ' SELECT 1 as ReturnValue END