Top 10 SQL Server Architecture Interview Questions

Top 10 SQL Server Architecture Interview Questions


Top 10 SQL Server Architecture Interview Questions

There are total 46 questions are answered under SQL Server Architecture category in the book “SQL THE ONE”. In this chapter we’ll find interview questions and answers on SQL Server Low & High level architecture, Transaction Log, Query Processing and memory architecture. Apart from we can also find the newly added features in SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014 and 2016. Below are the Top 10 SQL Server Architecture Interview Questions:

1. How SQL Server Relational Engine works in processing SQL queries?

2. When I say compile and execute a SQL Batch does it means compiler compiles each line of code?

3. What is Instant File Initialization and how it works?

4. Have you ever implemented Instant file Initialization in any environment? If yes did you observe any performance gain?

5. There is a big change happened in SQL Server Log architecture on SQL Server 2014. Do you have any idea on that?

6. I have a web application and the back-end is SQL Server. A user logged into the application, updated his details and submitted the request. The request includes a set of select statements and update statements. Now I wanted to know the step by step procedure for how the request reaches the database and work done. Can you be able to demonstrate?

7. How Min and Max server memory options impact memory usage from SQL Server?

8. I have restarted my windows server. Can you be able to explain how memory allocation happens for SQL Server?

9. Can you technically explain how memory allocated and lock pages works?

10. What is the architecture for In-Memory OLTP? Does it’s a separate component or how SQL Server handles a request when they need both disk based and memory optimized objects?


These Top 10 SQL Server Architecture Interview Questions are the sample questions randomly collected from the book “SQL THE ONE”.

Please share your feedback and comments on below comments section or reach me on We wish you all the best for the next interview.

Here you can find more Details about the book “SQL THE ONE”.

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[…] Chapter – 1: SQL Server Architecture […]

8 years ago

please give the answers for all the questions..

Nisha Agarwal
Nisha Agarwal
4 years ago

Can i plzz get the answers of all the questions